• projects_g2_01

Green Zone

The Green Zone Project

The Ruse branch of the Future for Bulgaria Foundation launched in partnership with the Municipality of Ruse the implementation of the project “Green Zone”, supported under the PHARE 2002.01 program “Program for Economic and Social Convergence“ – Enhancing the Employment Among Young People, component 2: Local Employment Initiatives, budget line BG 0202.01 of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The project was implemented in the municipality of Ruse in the period between April 2005 and April 2006 and aims at strengthening the capacity and the cooperation at a local level between the Ruse branch of the Future for Bulgaria Foundation, the municipality of Ruse and the local community towards decreasing local unemployment rate through raising the fitness for work and enhancing the entrepreneurship among 20 long-term unemployed young people registered with the local unemployment office in Ruse at the age between 18 and 29 years. In the framework of the project were coordination meetings, development and carrying out of on-the-job training of two groups of carpenters and gardeners, restoration of two city areas in the neighbourhoods Rodina II and Charodeika in Ruse, distribution of 500 brochures presenting the project and 500 Green Zone brochures, as well as two press conferences for raising the popularity of the project. The value of the project is 55 630 euro.