• projects_e2_03
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European Peers

About the project

The project “European Peers” was implemented by the Future for Bulgaria Foundation with the financial support of the EU Program Europe 2002. The project was launched in November 2003 and had duration of 12 months. The partner of the Foundation in this project was the Foundation European Institute”, and the participants were 147 young people between 14 and 18 years from high schools from Devin, Dospat, Dryanovo, Kardzhali, Ruse, Satovcha and Sofia. They were distributed in 7 groups – the so-called European classes, one group of each of the seven towns, 21 students per group, divided in 7 teams of three students each. Students from the specialty European Languages and Culture from the universities in Sofia, Plovdiv, Ruse and Veliko Tarnovo and seven professors took active part in the project.


The main purpose of the project was to present the idea of united Europe, the values of the European Union and its strategies related to the potential contribution of the young people to the membership of Bulgaria in the EU in a comprehensible and entertaining way. This purpose was achieved through raising the awareness and provoking the positive reaction of 7 students, 7 teachers, 147 young people from the European classes and approximately 3951 indirect beneficiaries in the towns of Devin, Dospat, Dryanovo, Kardzhali, Ruse, Satovcha and Sofia. The participants obtained new knowledge about the institutions, the member-states of the EU, the EU strategies for raising the knowledge, mobility, information, employment, autonomy and participation of young people, the most important documents and conditions in the process of expansion of the EU, the negotiations and the priorities of the program “Youth 2003” of the EU.