Supervised Lodging

The supervised lodging is a kind of social service for supporting and consulting adults who are just leaving a specialized institution, a transitional lodging or a protected house and are about to lead an independent life.
Creating a family-like environment aimed at raising the quality of life and overcoming the social isolation of the young people leaving specialized institutions and other community institutions; enhancing and facilitating the social, emotional, educational and cultural development of each user in support of the proposition that every person is able to develop their potential and to be a valuable asset to the community; forming capacities to lead an independent life; rendering support and creating premises for social interaction; permanent job intended to help the users settle down; cooperation with all institutions involved in achieving these goals /Unemployment Office, the Mayor’s Office, Municipality of Plovdiv, MoI, NGOs, employers, high-schools, universities, etc./; result-orientated and consistent efforts to raise the qualification of the users with the aim of achieving higher competitiveness on the labour market; teaching how to overcome difficulties, how to set targets and achieve them; individual work with the users of social services in the Supervised Lodging with the purpose of preventing anti-social behavior and establishing good interpersonal relations. Prevention of potentially dangerous and unadaptable behavioural patterns; intervention in crises; psychological and social support and consulting for the users in their transition to independent life.

Target group
The following target groups are accommodated in the Supervised Lodging: adults leaving specialized institutions, transitional lodgings or protected houses; persons in social deprivation; active members of the community with an unequal social position.
Purpose of the project
The main purpose of the service is to form skills and to enhance the young people’s readiness to leave the specialized institution and to fully integrate in the structures of society.