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Project “Workshop Europe”

Project “Workshop Europe”

The project “Workshop Europe” was implemented in 2005 by the Future for Bulgaria Foundation with the financial support of the program Europe 2003 of the European Union in the territory of the municipality of Botevgrad. The project value amounted to 35 571 euro. The project’s purpose was to expand the knowledge of 80 children, 60 of which were Roma orphans, who live and go to school in the Primary School Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodiy in the village of Lipnica, on the history of the European Union, its structure, institutions, policies and values. The children were taught in an interactive way through games and through the creation of Workshop Europe – a place where the symbols of the Union are made out of wood. One of the purposes was to give broad publicity to the project among the citizens of Botevgrad of the idea of united Europe and of Bulgaria’s upcoming membership in the EU by publishing the weekly newspaper “United Europe”, by a weekly TV game broadcast on a cable TV channel in Botevgrad, a children’s painting competition, the construction of a European Garden in the central part of Botevgrad, a three-day celebration of Europe’s Day and disseminating the activities under the project around Botevgrad through the advertising brochure “Workshop Europe” and through the distribution of posters, sets, flags and balloons with the motto “United Europe”.